
My name is Agustín Gutiérrez. 

I'm an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

My research interested are international trade, macroeconomics, and labor. 

Click here to download my CV.

Email  : gutierrez25@wisc.edu 

Twitter: @AgusGutierrez92

Working Papers

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Abstract:  We build a general equilibrium model of trade with market power in product and labor markets, strategic complementarities in price- and wage-setting, and a rich structure of product and labor markets to study the pro-competitive gains from trade. We combine our model with confidential firm-level data from Australia to quantify the welfare and efficiency gains of higher exposure to international trade. We find that closing the economy to trade has significant and negative effects on welfare and aggregate labor productivity. Firms' market power accounts for the vast majority of the effect: In a perfectly competitive economy, where there is no firm market power, welfare losses are 60 percent of the total effect. More important,  contrary to common belief, we find that labor and product market power interacts with each other amplifying rather than dampening the welfare losses. This amplification effect is economically significant and accounts for 42 percent of the total welfare losses. Our results highlight the importance of market structure, firm competition, and strategic complementarities for the quantification of the gains from trade liberalizations.

 Link to paper.

 Abstract: That Krugman-type models are isomorphic to models with external economies of scale is widely believed among trade economists. However, a proof of this equivalence only exists in standard Krugman models with restricted input-output links across sectors for both production and the entry technology.  This paper shows that the isomorphism persists once we allow for arbitrary links across sectors, or the use of intermediates in the entry technology, and provides the exact mapping between these two models. We apply our analysis to the environment study in Baqaee and Farhi (2019) and Baqaee and Farhi (2021). The isomorphism implies that the latter is a micro-foundation for the exogenous wedges and productivity functions of the former, and therefore the results in Baqaee and Farhi (2019) extend to Baqaee and Farhi (2021) once the correct mapping is applied.

Working in Progress

with Sebastian Heise, Nicolo Rizzotti, and Felix Tintelnot

with Hamid Firooz


with Pol Antràs, Teresa C. Fort, and Felix Tintelnot, Accepted by Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics

[Link to paper] [Online Appendix] [Replication Files] 

Abstract:  Import tariffs tend to be higher on final goods than inputs, a phenomenon referred to as tariff escalation. Despite its salience, existing research does not predict that tariff escalation increases welfare. We show that tariff escalation is usually welfare-improving when final-good production occurs under increasing returns to scale. In our vertical model, countries export inputs directly or by embodying them in final goods.  The latter raises welfare if final-good efficiency is increasing in sector size, and a disproportionately high final-good tariff exploits this benefit. When tariffs are the only available instruments, this effect dominates input-tariff motives for most parameter values.

with Constantino Hevia, and Martín Solá, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics,  February 2020. 

[Link to paper] [Replication Files]

Abstract: The return forecasting factor is a linear combination of forward rates that seems to predict 1-year excess bond returns of bond of all maturities better than traditional measures obtained from the yield curve. If this single factor actually captures all the relevant fluctuations in bond risk premia, then it should also summarize all the economically relevant variations in excess returns considering different holding periods. We find that it does not. We conclude that including the return forecasting factor as the main driver of risk premia in a term structure model, as has been suggested, is not supported by the data.